
17 August 2017

People fall mostly in to two categories when we tell them the news of the move:

‘Wow! So exciting, I’d love to get out of the city and do something new’
‘You are quite mad to leave this city for a village in the middle of nowhere without even a shop to buy milk in’

I have moments of agreeing with both.

But we both do have a vision of what our new lives will be. And I share it here with the caveat that I KNOW life will not be like this all the time. We have two children and will have a newborn come January. It rains a lot, even in the sunny-south-east. We will get sick, and be tired and take 10 times longer than planned to get things done. We will have to drive everywhere and do school runs and I imagine I’ll be doing quite a lot of washing.

BUT dreams and goals are good to dangle in front of oneself. And to make changes you have to make conscious decisions. Life in 2017 can whip you up into a frenzy no matter where you are in the world. To change that and make space takes effort.

And so here are our plans.

We will live a slower life. We will simplify so that each bill is a not headache and both of us can say yes to the work we really want to do. We will do work that is good for ourselves and for others. Less ads for products no one cares about. More music and stories.

B. will write the album that has been threatening to appear for a few years now and work with people he loves and I will run the acupuncture business I’ve dreamt of. Both of us will be present for our kids.

We will have long windy walks by the sea.

We will learn to sail.

We will sit by the fire (we have a fire!!) and drink red wine and play scrabble or chess.

I will grow vegetables and Brian will make home brew.

We will build a pizza oven in the garden and Brian will bake more bread.

Good friends will come for dinner and stay the night. We will cook many a good meal.

There will be a dog.